Web Content Viewer (JSR 286) 15min


Oral presentation at EMBS2020

The UPM team presented in the EMBS2020 conference their results of the first investigation as part of the BD4QoL project.

Abstract: The cancer-related mortality is decreasing in recent times bringing the number of people living with cancer is increased. In this sense, ICT could support clinicians in the follow-up of cancer patients are essential. This paper presents the outcomes from the scoping review of PoC existing solutions.

A scoping review was conducted following Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) recommendations and guidelines in order to identify the main features of the Point of Care systems used in the cancer follow-up.

The databases Pubmed and Scopus were consulted and a total of 1360 papers was found. Papers were inspected and assessed by relevance.

Finally, were selected those that describe tools or systems used by clinicians for cancer follow-up, during or after treatment and were excluded if no don’t satisfy the inclusion criteria, for instance, if the description of the tool is not provided or if the works describe systems designed for the patient.

From the resulting papers, information of target end-users, features included and technologies involved were extracted and analyzed. The results show that there are currently very few ICT solutions developed for the follow-up of patients with cancer.

On the other hand, these tools generally aim to bring relevant information and assist clinicians in decision-making and management through different functionalities such as dashboards, personalization tools and modification of guidelines and alert systems to bring information closer to clinicians. Regarding the technologies, there is a trend in the development of web-based approaches that can be easily used from any device.

Reference: V. Vicente-Blanco, L. Lopez-Perez, G. Galeote-Checa, L. Hernandez, M.T. Arredondo, & G. Fico. (2020). The role of ICT on Point of Care systems for cancer follow-up: a scoping review. Presented at the EMBC 2020. DOI: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4436086


Web Content Viewer (JSR 286) 15min
