Web Content Viewer (JSR 286) 15min


Participation at the the 7thWorld Congress of the International Federation of Head and Neck Oncologic Societies

Last week the IFHNOS congress was held in Rome. It was the worldwide conference of head and neck oncology.

As guest speaker, UMIL & INT, represented by Stefano Cavalieri, presented the BD4QoL project in the following sessions:

1) Instructional Course "Big data in head and neck cancer" (Wednesday 21/06, H 14.00) moderated by prof. Mehanna. Presentation titled “Big data in QoL in HNC - The BD4QoL programme”

2) Society Symposium of the Italian Head and Neck Society (AIOCC) "Towards precision oncology in head and neck cancer: critical issues" (Friday 23/06, H 08.30) moderated by prof. Maroldi. Presentation titled “Big Data & Artificial Intelligence in head and neck cancer”

More information about these conferences can be found at:


Web Content Viewer (JSR 286) 15min
