Web Content Viewer (JSR 286) 15min


Lombardy Region and ARIA holding a workshop with patients' associations

The workshop is organized in the frame of the project “Big Data Models and Intelligent tools for Quality of life” (BD4QoL). BD4QoL brings to Head and Neck Cancer survivors the possibility to benefit from timely and personalized interventions by adopting secure and privacy compliant mobile and wearable devices

Innovation has a pivotal role in improving the lives of cancer patients as the development of new technologies enables the possibility for remote monitoring, support, and personalized care pathways. The fulfilling of this objective is pursued in BD4QoL by fostering the adoption of Artificial Intelligence-assisted mobile applications specifically focused on Head and Neck Cancer.

For the development of solutions that effectively tackle the needs of the target users, patients’ organizations need to be systematically and actively involved in Research and Development (R&D) activities.

Hence, the objectives of the workshop are:

  • to draw attention to the real challenges that the target patients are facing by involving the associations in the dialogue around the elements to be prioritized in the development;
  • to collect opinions, comments and feedbacks on the solutions, i.e., the chatbot and the mobile app, developed so far by the BD4QoL providers;
  • to establish a communication channel with key stakeholders and promote the dissemination of the project.

In order to collect feedback from different viewpoints, the invited attendees will be:

  • first adopters, i.e. patients and clinicians involved in the testing of the solutions;
  • possible next adopters, i.e. patient associations;
  • technical experts, i.e. provider of telemedicine solutions involved in similar EC funded projects.

Web Content Viewer (JSR 286) 15min
