Web Content Viewer (JSR 286) 15min


6th Plenary Meeting

The meeting was held in mixed modality, in person and virtually, hosted by University of Deusto. The objectives were:

  1. Check the status of the project
  2. Check the status of WP6
  3. Plan the work for integration into the Regional Patient Health folder
  4. Check the analysis of data from the occupational database and plan results delivery. 
  5. Status and plans for publications and dissemination activities, IPRs to be checked and finalized, plans for IPRs contribution,Plans for the exploitation, agreements and possible contribution
  6. WP10: prepare the periodic reporting and the review
  7. Take crucial decisions regarding next amendment request
  8. Preparation of next review meeting March 2024

Web Content Viewer (JSR 286) 15min
