The UPM team presented in the ESMO2020 conference their results of the first investigation as part of the BD4QoL project.
Paper title: Research and contextual inquiry on information and communication technologies point of care systems for cancer follow-up.
This work presents the outcomes from a research work conducted for Point of Care (PoC) systems applied in cancer follow-up.
Cancer-related mortality has been decreasing in recent years, making the management of follow-up guidelines a critical and indispensable activity in oncology. Timing and precision in the decision-making process impact on the long-term healthiness of cancer patients, and information and communication technologies (ICT) are essential to support clinicians in the cancer patients' follow-up.
In this context, the UPM and INT partners of the BD4QoL European project have been conducted their research work related to the Point of Care (PoC) systems applied in cancer follow-up.
The CeHRes (Center for eHealth Research and Disease Management) roadmap has been applied. In detail, the following tasks were conducted as part of the first phase of this roadmap, named “Contextual inquiry”:
a scoping review was carried out, and the recommendations from 7 experts have been analyzed, market research of existing PoC solutions have been conducted and finally, as a result of this tasks the solution's stakeholders have been identified.
As a result of this work, the currently available ICT options to support clinical practice and actual needs have been identified. The results show the lack of specialized follow-up tools. Besides, very few of them include a system of alerts or the possibility of customizing a personalized follow-up, and the tailored data visualization is missing in most of the existing tools.
Reference: Blanco, V. V., Perez, L. L., Hernandez, L., Checa, G. G., Licitra, L. F., Cavalieri, S., ... & Arredondo, M. T. (2020). 1934P Research and contextual inquiry on information and communication technologies point of care systems for cancer follow-up. Annals of Oncology, 31, S1094. DOI: